Below are their manifestos:
Guild President
I am NAKAYIZA GRACE a second year student at African
Rural University aspiring for the Guild presidency post for the year 2019/2020.
I shall attend all university council meetings on
behalf of students, uphold and protect this constitution as well as promoting
the welfare of students, protect their academic and social interests at all
Through creativity and innovation, I will promote, restore,
protect and uphold a positive image of African rural university before local
and international communities through charity work, community outreaches, attending
conferences, seminars and inter-university Guild activities.
With honesty and integrity, I will pursue and build
strong excelling leadership that is committed and passionate through
delegation, empowerment and transparency which will enhance exemplary work
I shall base my efforts in promoting self-respect,
respecting leaders, fellow students, staff and other members in the society.
I also want to create many income generating activities
to enrich the Guild finance account for proper performing of Guild activities
and lessening finance constraints from the administration.
I shall also ensure the election of a chief fresher
to represent all fresher’s opinions to the Guild council as far as Article 13
and 14 of the Guild constitution reprimands.
Formation of a functional disciplinary committee to
assist in inculcating discipline among students.
I shall advocate for curriculum development through
agitating for addition of at least one language and profession promote games and
sports, music and drama to improve student’s academics and talents respectively.
I shall also ensure continuation of community
outreaches like visiting secondary schools to publicize ARU and Radio
programmes among others.
Last but not least, I shall ensure monthly
evaluation of every ministerial structural tension chart, reporting and
updating Guild blog and records.
I will be in position to fulfill all the above
through a joint team and support of students, leaders and administrators
through the help of GOD.

Nakayiza Grace during campaign on KKCR
I am by names of ASIIMIRE OLIVIA a second year
student African Rural University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Rural
Development, the current information minister and the aspiring Guild President
ARU academic year 2019-2020.
As the aspiring GP, of ARU, I have a resilient
vision for our University which is “AN OUTSTANDING AND VIBRANT ARU GUILD IN ALL
And as the GP aspirant, I have a well-organized
manifesto and it’s through it that my vision will become a reality and it is as
It will be my duty to abide by, uphold and protect
the constitution and to promote the welfare of the students and protect their
academic and social interests at all times. On top of that, my number one
priority of the activities I want to do is the constitution amendment. Though
it was meant to have been amended during this outgoing regime which wasn’t the
case because of the series of activities that were carried out, time turned out
not to be enough. So I will work hand in hand with the administration and the
cabinet ministers to get the constitution amended for the smooth running of the
university’s activities.
I want to work extremely hard to protect and uphold
a positive image of ARU before the local and international communities through
attending conferences and inter- university guild activities and in every
aspect of my work, for example making our university popular through joining
university guild unions, associations and attaining higher positions in those
associations which include UNSA,
In consultation with the university administration,
I will work hand in hand with other ministries to plan or arrange for national
and international travel for the purpose of interacting with other university
guilds for the benefit and interest of ARU as a whole. This will enable us to
learn new things and also teach much about what those people don’t know and all
this will be achieved through sharing ideas and experiences. And it is through
this that our university will gain popularity regionally, nationally, and
Strengthening our university’s relationship with
other academic institutions and schools nearby and far away from the university,
and this will be done through attending conferences, conducting debates,
matches in games and sports, exchanging visits, attending seminars, engaging in
dialogues and via social media ( creating Whatsp groups and joining university
Facebook pages).
As it is well stated in the constitution article
30(1) which says that the guild president shall use the guild car as means of
transport while performing her official duties which is not the case because
there is no guild car in ARU, so in consultation and coordination with the
university administration and the ministers, we shall get a way on how to go
about that to make sure we get the guild car for the smooth running of guild
activities. In addition to that, I give a round of applause to the current GP
who managed to make sure that the guild has its own office to run their
activities perfectly well without any restraints. But the fact that am part of
this current cabinet, I noticed that there are no appropriate equipment in the
office, that’s the printer and the computer which are currently completely down
because they have a mechanical breakdown and no serious attention has been put
on them to make them fully function, so in coordination with the Systems
administrator and other concerned department, we shall make sure the guild
office fully functions again with all the required equipment.
During my regime, I will make sure that African
Rural university engages in the inter-university Games & sports
competitions. I will ensure we have a games and sports trainer, training
requirements are available (costumes, balls and others) so what I request from
students is total cooperation while doing the training in order to get all the
necessary competences and skills to engage in the inter-university
Maintaining the existing projects and making them
more productive that’s the banana plantation, tree planting project, vegetable
growing project and others, I will lobby for an agriculture trainer to train us
the students about new technologies in the farm to make it more of a
demonstration farm. On top of that I will bring up more new projects, I will
start with the piggery project then later, in coordination with the ministers
and students, we shall choose on what other projects to take on in order to
boost our guild’s income.
Building and maintaining a good relationship of the
university with the community. For the university to give back to the
community, we shall initiate charitable works in different areas for example,
cleaning kagadi hospital, mobilizing resources to support the hospital through donating
beds and stretchers and cleaning kagadi daily market and the market.
Promoting the students welfare. I will make sure
that students are kept in the most conducive environment in terms of sanitation
that’s in the hostel, kitchen, class and compound with the help of the welfare
minister. I will make sure that students are given the best meals, at least
they eat greens thrice a week, and the change in the meals menu, satisfying
every ones interests.
Under the guidance of the administrators, I will
make sure that we get a disciplinary committee that is more than active as it
is stated in the students hand book.
Talking compound. In my plans, I think we need to
have a compound that’s more attractive, educative and informative. This will be
done by adding posts with different writings in the compound.
Promoting good relations among students through
promoting and encouraging clear and constant communication,
Respect for one another, Complete loyalty
and trust in each other, Earnest acceptance, team work
and corporation.
I will hand in hand with the information minister to
update the ARU Guild Blog regularly to keep the world informed about what’s
happening at ARU.
Lastly I will take over the guild
plan and continue the implementation of all the activities that need initiation
and completion.
I urge all African rural university
students to kindly give me your mandates and full support in order for me to
stand eligible for Guild presidency African Rural University.
The following are some of the other aspiring ministers
NANGOBI JACKLINE a second year student aspiring to be a Vice Guild President at
African Rural University, here are my manifestos;
shall be the opposite sex to that of the guild president in that I will
deputize her whenever she is not around in order to see that the university
work runs smoothly.
shall monitor key issues like the health status of our ARU demonstration farm
and the smooth running of the ARU program at KKC radio by coming out with
different topics to discuss during the program and delegating representatives,
problems affecting students and ensuring that the all cabinet is acting on
shall work with the relevant departments and offices to deliver the best
participation services for students. In that I will work hand in hand with the
administration including lecturers in a friendly manner.
shall represent students on relevant internal and external committees whereby I
will work with the internal affairs minister and foreign affairs minister for
the betterment of our campus. Like I will make sure our university participates
in charity works, do community visits like going to different primary and
secondary schools in order to inspire our fellow ladies out there join us.
shall be responsible for overseeing academic policy within the university and
represent the views of students in relation to the services that are provided
on our campus.
I Areso Doreen 1st year 2 semester
aspiring for the post of minister of finance at African Rural University and
here is my manifestos;
If given the mandate I will work in hand with the
guild president and other ministers to make sure that the money is not misused
any howling.
Not any that I will also work with the
administrators to provide us with at least someone who knows some techniques in
agriculture since our course requires to be done practically in the field since
we have only the farm manager who only takes care of the guild farm but don’t
have the skills needed in demonstrating in our individual farms.
If also given the mandate to be a finance minister,
I will make sure that every end of the months I will update the students on how
the money was spent and what is remaining in the account.
If also given the mandate, I will make sure that the
students don’t go to the bank to bank their guild money I will only issue them
a receipt and I go in my free time because that is my work.
Shall also keep and maintain the accurate books of
accounts of the guild like receipts, ledgers, payment vouchers and manuscripts
books etc.
Shall also control and supervise the assets of the guild
like guild office and others but to mention a few.
Shall be a principal co-signatory to the guild
I shall also prepare the financial reports and
budgets in time.
shall be the financial advisor to the guild
I am AHIMBISIBWE PEACE a second year student at
African Rural University, aspiring for the post of the guild secretary for the
academic year 2019/2020.
I will take accurate records of all
executive and council proceedings.
I will prepare and distribute minutes of
all executive and council proceedings to people concerned in time.
I shall keep and maintain all files and
records of the guild executive and the guild council.
I shall be in charge of logistics
necessary for both executive and council meetings.
I shall be consulting the guild
president to prepare the meeting agenda.
I will also consult the guild president
to order paper for both executive and council meeting.
BAHIRE JULIA, the first year student who has contested on the post of faculty
representative at African Rural University 2019/2020.
following are things I will do
will receive and deliver all students views and recommendation in regard to
welfare and issues related to the programme report to the faculty dean.
will represent students in the faculty meeting where I will deliver their views
and take feedback to them from faculty meeting during the students’ general
will work hand in hand together with academic registrar to make sure that
lectures are delivered on time through requesting for more lecture because some
of the course unity are not taught in their specific time due to few lectures for example in year two only
four course unity are taught .
will work hand in hand together with academic registrar to make sure that the
student’s results are back on time in order for the students to prepare
themselves on time for other semesters.
will work together with student to create discussion group for the better
performance in the examinations.
will perform any other functions when rise in the best interest of the
student’s guild and the University
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